The 5th research workshop between TU Dortmund and Kyoto University
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- Systematische Erziehungswissenschaft

We are facing an unprecedented multiple crisis, triggered primarily by tragic wars, pandemics and climate change. What does this mean for education? The workshop aims to discuss and describe education and human formation from the perspective of cosmopolitan and global citizenship education to respond to these difficult situations in the world and consequently to highlight the potential and limitations of cosmopolitan and global citizenship education. In March 2023, professors and students from Kyoto University presented their work on cosmopolitan education from the Japanese perspective, while in March 2024, professors, researchers and students from TU Dortmund University will discuss the same topic from the German perspective. This is the fifth joint research workshop between TU Dortmund University and Kyoto University and will include presentations, group and overall discussions over two days. The presentations and discussions of the 2023 and 2024 workshops will result in a book that will be published in German-Japanese cooperation.
Event Information
March 25 to 26, 2024
Meeting Room Ⅲ, Ⅳ, Clock Tower, 2nd Floor, Kyoto University
Organizer(s): Kyoto University, TU Dortmund/ Support: DWIH Tokyo
Entry fee: Not required
Registration deadline: March 17, 2024
Contact: hirose.yuzo.3nkyoto-u.acjp
*To register, please click on the “Website” link above in the box.
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